Running in a Cement Jungle

Hola amigas!

While most of you are stuck in the blizzarding snow, I’m #blessed and have the perfect running weather.


Read on to hear about my running adventures all over Salamanca and even some other countries in Europe!

On my first day in Salamanca, I was anxious after three days of not working out. I was in a strange city, living in a stranger’s house, with complete strangers. Once I unpacked my stuff, I decided I would head out for a run. The fresh air filled my lungs. I couldn’t believe that it was January and I was running outside, let alone in another city/country/continent.  That day I was just glad I didn’t get lost.


After two months, I’ve mastered the streets within the city and have become accustomed to certain routes. I know where it is steeper and where I can bypass the big hills for an easier run. I also know where there are flights of endless stairs and where I can go to avoid them.

IMG_1057I also have to walk up these stairs everyday to get home 😦 IMG_1399

(One of my favorite aspects of running in Salamanca, is that I know that my run never has to be the same! There are so many side streets I can take to change up my route; however, my favorite place is to run near the river.)

Salamanca is a beautiful, historical city but some days I miss grass and need to leave the hundreds of old, tall buildings. I’ve recently started running out of the city and have found some very cool spots. The scenery is absolutely beautiful, and even though the upward climb usually sucks, the views I get from the top are amazing. Past the fields I have a beautiful overlooking view of Salamanca. Some days I take a break and sit and look. It really is tranquilizing.

IMG_1871 Don’t even want to think about what it took to get up there, but the view was so worth it. IMG_1144 IMG_1145

Thus far, I have ran in: Salamanca, Madrid, Granada, Seville, and Dublin! I’m hoping the list keeps growing!

However, some days I still want to work out but have no desire to run. I believe running is completely mental, and I do it because I like it. If I am not mentally prepared my body won’t go. And on those days I either do a track workout or a body-weight circuit in the park. I love incorporating nature and using my environment for my workout. Even though I won’t be with my team for spring season, I am working just as hard to stay in the game. I have ran 120’s twice (still can’t believe it myself) and try incorporating 16’s into a workout weekly. & shout out to all my teammates who are gonna kick ass this spring. Miss you guys!

IMG_1119 IMG_1120(Who needs boxes when you have benches?)

I guess I have a hidden agenda with this blog – I want to demonstrate that it is completely possible to stay in shape while studying abroad (even without a gym membership!) I hope my fellow teammates will be able to experience the same amazing time I have had studying abroad, despite being student-athletes. I have also been playing pick-up games at the parks. I was nervous that I would not be allowed to play since I am girl, but all the guys have been super accepting and always let me play (they even pass me the ball without hesitation!)

And my second-hidden agenda is that girls can be strong too. I have definitely noticed more men running here than women, but that doesn’t mean that’s how it should be. As I mentioned, I do a lot of workouts at the park or at the track (public spots) and I definitely sweat a lot. I want women to stop being afraid of being sweaty in public, because girls “aren’t supposed to sweat.” Just because I sweat doesn’t mean I’m not feminine. I think being a woman definitely leaves the opportunity to be both. (I guess this spiel is equivalent to the fad that was raging all over social media where you had to tag 20 beautiful women. If you all can post insta posts without wearing make-up, you should also have the courage to get sweaty and not be embarrassed.)


(I actually took this running… #noshame #sinverguenza)

I am actually going on a 20km mountain hike tomorrow! Wish me luck!
